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Maria Kenesei, originally from Hungary and based in Brussels since 2017, earned her 200-hour yoga certification in 2021 and has been teaching ever since. She has pursued further training in various yoga styles, applied anatomy, trauma-sensitive practices, and perinatal support.  Maria’s holistic approach combines psychoeducation, accessible movement, and therapeutic elements.

HER TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: living, feeling bodies as they are, not according to what they should look like based on a picture in a book. Lots of variety and safe exploration on the mat that you can take into your daily life to maintain a more balanced mind, body, and heart wherever you are.

AFTER HER CLASS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE: physical, emotional, and mental release. A sense of empowerment and a deeper connection to and understanding of yourself.

SHE FINDS DAILY INSPIRATION IN: her continuous education, books, and mentors, but most importantly in the people she had the honour to guide. You are my greatest teachers.

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